Hi! I'm Ashley :) Thanks for being curious about me and my work.
My work has been focused on supporting children since I was a child myself. Over the last 22 years I have taken on a number of roles: teacher, nanny, nature school founder and director, child development specialist, and somatic movement therapist.
Through it all, the guiding light of my work has been to support this next generation in being held with deep integrity, love, and presence.
My dedicated passion of caring for children lead me to many paths of healing, as caring for them served as a clear reflection for the parts of myself that were wounded and needing help. I truly believe that taking care of children in one of the clearest ways to get reflections about what healing is needed! My healing path has included: subtle somatic practices with the School for Body Mind Centering, training in Yoga and Reiki, community circle work, ritual, prayer, and plant medicine study.
It is my joy to be creating healing spaces for teachers, parents, mamas to be, and children.
When I am not working you can find me listening to birds in the wild, sitting by bodies of water, talking passionately with loved ones, and tending to my own life with food, family, prayer, and rest.

Training and Influences
Early Childhood and Mental Health Training
B.A. in Child Development from Humboldt State
M.A. in Infant Mental Health/ Early Education from Mills College
My Research focused on the intersections self regulation, trauma, and somatic experience
Somatics and Movement
Yoga Teacher training, Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center
Dance Minor from Humboldt State
Certified Somatic Movement Educator, The School for Body-Mind Centering
Certified Infant Developmental Movement Educator, The School for Body-Mind Centering
Registered Somatic Movement Therapist, ISMETHA
Reiki, The Wu Wei School of Reiki
Nature Connection
Bird Language Immersions, The 8 Shields
Distance Immersion, The 8 Shields
Influences and informal training experience
Non-Violent Communication
Hand and Hand Parenting
Continuum movement practice
Herbal and plant medicine
Receiving years of Hakomi based psychotherapy